Philosophy Books

Book of Changes ( I Ching )      $ 39.95

It is a Bi-lingual book, also includes original texts and modern Chinese translation. This book is one of the most important philosophy book in Chinese history.

Lao Zi ( Toa Te Ching )      
$ 32.95

It is a Bi-Lingual book, also includes original texts and modern Chinese translation. Lao Zi use only 5000 Chinese characters explains Tao philosophy ( The way of nature ). His philosophy is not only popular in ancient China, but also widely accepted by modern Chinese and western societies.

The Confucius Four Books
       $ 46.95

This book collects two Confucius' works ( Great Learning & Doctrine of the Mean) and one his sayings ( Confucius Analects ) and Mencius' Work ( one of his great student ). This book is Bi-lingual book and also includes original Texts & modern Chinese translation.  

The Art of War ( Sun Zi )
       $ 26.95

Bi-lingual book, also includes original Texts & modern Chinese translation.  It is a good book to learn strategies not only apply for wars, but also suitable for business management and daily lives. 

Zhuang Zi   
     $ 49.80

Bi-lingual book, also includes original Texts & modern Chinese translation. Zhuang Zi is a great Tao philosopher, he continued Tao thoughts from Master Lao Zi, and further detailed Tao.


The Wiles of War 
( 36 Strategies from Ancient China )  
  $ 24.95

This is a book selected 36 most wised and successful strategies over more than a thousand years history. It is not like the Art of War provide the complete philosophy system, but it provides the practical solutions for many actual problems.